Korean Community Center in Washington D.C.

The Korean Community Center is a nonprofit, 501 (c)(3) charitable organization.
KCC는 501(c)(3)에 속한 비영리단체로 문화, 교육, 의료, 공공복지 등을 위해 일하는 기관입니다

The KCC’s is to promote healthy and independent living for all ages and to integrate the people with Korean Heritage into the greater community through culture & education, outreach, health & social services, and civic advocacy.
모든분들의 건강하고 독립적인 생활을 증진시키고 문화와 교육, 아웃리치, 의료복지, 시민 옹호를 통해서 한인들을 주류사회에 연계하고자 합니다.

The KCC’s is to provide practical tools and assistance for Korean immigrants to overcome their language and cultural barriers, and to preserve and promote Korean cultural heritage and social identity through self-empowerment and a spirit of participation and giving while building bridges to American Society.
이민자들이 문화와 언어의 장벽을 넘도록 실질적인 도움을 드리고 스스로를 돕고 이웃을 도움으로 한국문화와 정체성을 증진시키고 미국사회와의 가교역할을 합니다.


There are many ways you can use your talents, compassion, and skills to become a KCC volunteer.
Help is needed to facilitate the programs and services we provide to the Korean community.

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