1006, 2021
코리안 커뮤니티 센터 공지사항입니다.
Set the number of columns the text should be broken into. IMPORTANT: This feature is designed to be used for running text, images, dropcaps and other inline content. While some block elements will work, their usage is not recommended and others can easily break the layout. Default currently set to 1. Reset to default.Using default value.
1006, 2021
[채용공고] 2021년도 커뮤니티센터 채용 공고(~5/31)
한인커뮤니티센터에서는 최상의 고객서비스로 안전하고 질서 있는 KCC를 함께 만들어갈 인재를 다음과 같이 채용 공고합니다.
There are many ways you can use your talents, compassion, and skills to become a KCC volunteer.
Help is needed to facilitate the programs and services we provide to the Korean community.